How to Unshrink Crocs? – Easy Method

Crocs are very popular due to their durability and style. Crocs become a fashion staple that becomes part of your casual routine. It becomes your best companion for short journeys. It provides you with an amazing warranty period that you can utilize to make your Crocs come back alive.

Sometimes you have to go through bad experiences. As a Croc lover, the worst experience with Crocs is when you are in the laundry and they shrink. Maybe you are wondering: how to unshrink Crocs? Because it is really a big upset for you as a Crocs lover.

Crocs sometimes shrink due to some factors, but don’t panic. You can easily reshape your Crocs and expand their lifetime. There are various ways that will help you make Crocs unshrink. Prepare a warm water bath for Crocs. It will help you unshrink your Crocs. You can also use a hair dryer for this purpose.

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How to make unshrink Crocs?

Crocs are versatile shoes, and you don’t want to lose them at any cost. Crocs are very comfortable and help you with your casual work. Here are some points that will help you determine how to unshrink Crocs:

How To Make Unshrink Crocs?

Prepare a warm water bath: First of all, make sure that there is warm water filled in the basin or sink. Make sure the water is not too hot; maybe it will damage the Crocs material.

Soak the crocs: Now soak the Crocs in the warm water. Keep in mind Crocs are properly dipped in this warm water for further steps.

Allow soaking times: After putting Crocs into warm water, soak them for 15 to 30 minutes. It takes some time to reshape its material. Give it some time, and it will give you better results in an unshrink form of Crocs.

Gently stretch the Crocs: After soaking, take them out gently and pay attention to their shrinking areas. Gently pull the Crocs with your hands and bring them back to their original shape. Gently massage it and pull it for better results.

Use a hairdryer: You can also use a hairdryer; it definitely gives you better results. It will help you dry the material. By hand, you can easily give your Crocs an original shape.

Insert shoe stretchers or towels: Place shoe stretchers or towels inside Crocs until they are dried. It will help you maintain the Crocs shape.

Air dry: This is the last step to unshrink the Crocs. To dry it, keep it at room temperature and avoid direct sunlight.

Related: Do Crocs Shrink In The Sun?

How to unshrink Crocs slides?

Croc’s slide is one of the reasons behind Croc’s popularity. It also provides foot health benefits. Crocs are very comfortable and versatile and help you in your casual work. Here are some points that will help you determine how to unshrink Crocs:

How To Unshrink Crocs Slides?

Warm water bath: First of all, make sure that there is warm water filled in the basin or sink. Make sure the water is not too hot; maybe it will damage the Croc’s slide material.

Submerge the slides:  Now soak the Crocs slide into the warm water. Keep in mind that Crocs slides are properly dipped in this warm water for further steps. Make sure they are properly soaked.

Soak and relax: After putting the Crocs slide into warm water, soak it for 15 to 30 minutes. It takes some time to reshape its material. It is the most important step and is considered a major step.

Carefully stretch: After soaking, take them out gently and pay attention to their shrinking areas. Gently pull the Crocs slides with your hands and bring them back to their original shape. Gently massage the slides and pull them for better results.

Hair dryer on low heat: You can also use a hair dryer; it gives you better results. It will help you dry the material. By hand, you can easily give your Crocs slide an original shape. Try to dry it on low heat because excessive heat may harm the material.

Use a shoe stretcher: Place shoe stretchers or towels inside the Crocs slide until they are dried. It will help you maintain the Crocs shape.

Air dry in shape: This is the last step to unshrink the Crocs slide. To dry it, keep it at room temperature and avoid direct sunlight.

Check for size: Check the size after drying. If it is okay for your feet and you feel comfortable while walking, then good. If it is not accurate, repeat the above steps.

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How to unshrink Crocs with a hair dryer?

Here are some points that will help you unshrink your Crocs:

How To Unshrink Crocs With A Hair Dryer?

Prepare the hair dryer: Choosing a hair dryer is a good idea. But be careful not to heat up the dryer too much. Use a hair dryer with low heat; otherwise, it damages your Crocs.

Dampen the Crocs: Soak the Crocs with a cloth or by splashing them with water. But make sure the Crocs are completely wet but not dripping water.

Start with the shrunk areas: Use the hair dryer now, but keep it eight to six inches away from the surface of the Crocs. Focus the hairdryer on the scratched surface of the Crocs, and be careful not to damage the material by doing so.

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Apply gentle heat and stretch: While blowing hot air, pull and shape it in the direction you want it to spread. This will help you unshrink the Crocs. For pulling, use your hands and fingers to bind the Crocs’ shrunken areas.

Continuously Massage and Shape: Continue massaging the Crocs with your hands until they return to their original shape while applying the heat. It will definitely give you better results.

Alternate heat and stretch: Perform the heating and stretching process until the Crocs are fully unshrunk. When you cover all the shrunken areas, stop it.

Use shoe stretchers or towels: After the stretching process is finished, place a towel or paper towel inside the Crocs. It will help you keep it in shape after drying.

Allow air drying: This is the last step to unshrink the Crocs slide. To dry it, keep it at room temperature and avoid direct sunlight. Keep them naturally dry.

Check the size: Check the size after drying. If it is okay for your feet and you feel comfortable while walking, then good. If it is not accurate, repeat the above steps.


Crocs are very popular footwear. It has become a fashion staple for all ages due to its versatility. Crocs are comfortable shoes and give you a great warranty period. It provides you with comfort and style during gardening and street walks.

Sometimes you go through a bad laundry experience. Maybe you are suffering from the shrunken Crocs problem. Shrunken areas of your favorite Crocs may spoil your mood.

But don’t worry about your shrunken Crocs because there are many ways that you can follow to help you unshrink Crocs. A hair dryer and warm water will help you unshrink the Crocs.

It is not a difficult task, but you have to be careful while using a hair dryer. Maybe it harms the Crocs material. Don’t use excessive hot water or excessive heat from the hair dryer. It is better for your Crocs. Keep the important points in mind while following any procedure.


Can you stretch Crocs that have shrunk?

Yes, you can easily stretch Crocs that have shrunken. There are various ways that will help you unshrink your Crocs. Most people use warm water and hair dryers for this purpose by normally massaging them.

Can you stretch Crocs with heat?

Yes, you can stretch Crocs with heat. You can use a hair dryer for this purpose. Use the hair dryer now, but keep it eight to six inches away from the surface of the Crocs. Focus the hairdryer on the scratched surface of the Crocs, and be careful not to damage the material by doing so.

Can you reverse shrunken Crocs?

Yes, you can do it in various ways. Warm water helps you stretch the shrunken areas.

Can Crocs go in the dryer?

Yes, Crocs go in the dryer. But you have to be careful while using it. Because excessive heat may damage its material. 

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