How To Make Crocs Shiny Again?

Crocs are shiny, comfortable, and decent footwear. Because of these qualities, they are a part of many people’s wardrobes. However, with the passage of time, they can lose their shine and can look faded or ugly. 

If you have Crocs and they also got faded then you must be thinking about how to make Crocs shiny again. 

To make your Crocs shiny again, you can use Croc Shine, petroleum jelly or even coconut oil. Whatever you have from the above three, apply to a piece of cloth and rub it on Crocs’ surface after cleaning them.

If you want to know the whole procedure, continue reading this.

Reasons Crocs Lose Their Shine

Crocs are made of a foam material called Croslight. It gives Crocs shine and durability. However, there are a few factors that cause Crocs to lose their shine and make them fade.

Reasons Crocs Loose Their Shine

Wear and tear: Crocs can lose their Shine by regular wear. Wearing it for a long period and running, walking, and exposure to different surfaces dull the shine.

Exposure to sunlight: If your Crocs are exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet rays, then there is a great chance to lose their shine and fade their color. It is specifically true for bright colors of Crocs.

Dirt: If you wear your Crocs in messy environments, then they can be affected by dirt or grease. These things are also a cause of losing shine and color.

Exposure to chemicals: Many cleaning agents contain strong chemicals which are the reason for the dullness of Crocs. It is better to choose mild soap for cleaning.

Improper storage: Storing your Crocs in a manner that they are exposed to dirt, heat, or any kind of harsh environment can also cause loss of shine.

Aging: If your Crocs are too old then they can be dull too. The aging of such synthetic materials is a common issue to make them dull. 

Steps to make worn Crocs shiny again

To restore the shine of worn Crocs, follow the following steps.  

Steps To Make Worn Crocs Shiny Again

Gathering of supplies

  • Warm water 
  • Mild soap
  • A piece of cloth or sponge
  • Soft brush
  • Petroleum jelly (but this is optional)

Cleaning of Crocs

  • Fill a tub with warm water.
  • Add a little soap in the tub to make a soapy solution.
  • Dip a soft cloth or sponge in the tub and clean the Crocs with it. Focus on areas with dirt or stains.
  • If there are any hard-to-reach areas, then use a brush (for example toothbrush) to clean the Crocs.
  • Then rinse the Crocs with clean water and remove soap from them.

Dry the Crocs

  • To dry the Crocs, you can use different methods. For example, you can air dry them or dry them with a soft cloth. 

Use petroleum jelly or coconut oil

  • After drying, examine the Crocs if the Shine Is restored or not.
  • If by chance they do not look shiny then use petroleum jelly or coconut oil for the Crocs. 
  • Apply a little of one of these to a dry and clean cloth. Rub it evenly over the Crocs’ surface.
  • By doing this, your clocks will get shiny again.
  • Use Croc Shine:

Another method to make your Crocs shiny again is to use Crocs Shine. It is a cleaner that removes dirt and restores the original shine of the Crocs.

How To Use Croc Shine?

  • Shake the bottle of Croc Shine well before applying it to the Crocs. 
  • Then apply a small amount to the sponge. The sponge usually comes along with the Croc shine.
  • Use the sponge to rub your Crocs. Try to rub in a circular motion. Look out for those areas which are dull and have stains.
  • Remove extra Croc shine with a soft and dry cloth. By following these steps, your Crocs will get their shine again.
  • However, there are some additional tips to use when using Croc Shine. The tips are given below.
  • Make sure that when you use Croc Shine, you are in a well-ventilated area. While using Croc Shine, avoid getting this into your eyes. If it gets by any chance, rinse your eyes with cold water as soon as possible. One more thing, this product is not safe for children. So keep this far away from children.

Crocs cleaning and shining tips

To clean and maintain the shine of your Crocs, you should consider these things.

  • Clean your Crocs with mild soap once a week.
  • Protect them from sunlight, heat, or any harsh environment.
  • While cleaning, do a gentle cleaning with a soft cloth, sponge, or brush.

Store them properly.


Crocs are a type of footwear that is comfortable and beautiful at the same time. They are so shiny but sometimes they lose their shine. So, many people like me start to wonder how to make Crocs shiny again.

To make your Crocs shiny again, you can use household items like mild soap, warm water, or coconut oil. If you do not want to use these things then use petroleum jelly or special cleaning products made for Crocs.

Whatever method you use, make sure to use it with care. Remember all the specific instructions if you are using products like Croc Shine. Make sure to avoid this product’s contact with your eyes or your children.

To keep your Crocs in a good state, clean them every week. Avoid wearing them in sunlight and heat. Following these things, your Crocs can get their lost shine again.


How to polish and shine Crocs?

First, remove the dirt from the Crocs with a cloth. Then wash them with a mild soap. After washing and drying the Crocs, apply Croc shine or petroleum jelly to them. Rub it with a cloth and your Crocs will get their shine again.

How to restore shine to old Crocs?

Clean the Crocs with mild soap and cloth to remove any dirt from them. Then to make them shiny again, use coconut oil, petroleum jelly, or any Croc shine. This will help a lot to make your old Crocs shiny as well as new.

How to make Crocs look new again?

If you want to make Crocs look new again, clean them thoroughly. Try to use any cleaning agent. Avoid going into direct sunlight, while wearing the Crocs.

How to make my Crocs shine?

Use a Croc shining product or mild soap and warm water. Clean the Crocs with these. After all these things, store them properly. In this way, your Crocs will not lose their shine ever.

How do you shine old Crocs?

To give shine to the old Crocs, avoid wearing them in harsh environments and wear them with extra care. Use cleaning products once a week to clean them.

How to make black Crocs shiny again?

Usually, Crocs are made of a material called Croslight. But if you talk about Black Crocs,  there might be a chance that they are made of leather. If it is so, then polish the clocks as we polish the normal ones. That’s how black Crocs get their Shine again.

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