How To Fix Broken Crocs Strap?

Crocs is famous for its comfort and style. People love it for their unique designs and versatility.

If you are thinking about how to fix a broken Crocs strap to extend the life of your favorite pair, then it is not that hard.

Over time, the straps of Crocs may experience wear and tear. That wear and tear may result in broken or damaged straps. Instead of replacing your favorite pair, you can save your money by fixing it. 

Make sure that both Crocs and its broken strap surfaces are clean and dry. Then apply any strong adhesive. After this, press the strap in place so it can dry. Leave your Crocs for some time before putting them on again. If the strap is completely broken then it’s better to replace the strap.

If you are eager to learn more about this, continue reading this article.

Can you repair the Crocs strap?

Crocs are made up of a material called crosslite which can be repaired. But it is important to know what the damage is and to what extent.

If you are wondering how to fix broken Crocs strap, then it is important to assess the damage first.

If the strap is partially broken, then it can be repaired with adhesive tape or glue. In my opinion, the glue would be better as it can bind the strap with Crocs more firmly.

But in case, the strap is broken completely, then I advise you to go to Crocs customer service or any reliable retailer to get a new strap.

Step-by-step instructions

How to fix broken Crocs strap?

Assess the Damage

So first thing you should do before starting the repair process. Carefully examine the broken strap to get a proper idea of the extent of the damage.

You should determine if the strap needs to be attached again or if it will be replaced entirely. 

If the strap is merely detached, you can proceed with reattaching. However, if the strap can’t be repaired, you may need to replace it with a new one.

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Gather the Necessary Materials

Before fixing your broken Crocs strap, you’ll need a few basic materials: 

  • Epoxy glue or Strong adhesive: Choose a high-quality adhesive. It should be suitable for bonding the specific materials of your Crocs, for example, Croslite material.
  • Toothpick or small applicator: Toothpick will help you to apply the adhesive precisely and accurately. So you can complete the repair process efficiently.
  • Clamps or rubber bands: The rubber bands or clamps can provide support in holding the strap in place while the adhesive dries.
  • Replacement strap (if required): If the strap is broken completely and can’t be repaired, you can purchase a replacement strap from Crocs directly. If you cannot buy directly from Crocs, it would be better to buy it from a reliable retailer.

Reattach the Broken Strap

 If your strap damage is minimal and the strap is detachable, there will be a different process. Here are some steps to reattach it.

  • Clean the Surface: Make sure the strap and corresponding area on the Crocs are clean and free from fragments or debris. 
  • Apply adhesive: You should apply a small amount of epoxy glue or adhesive to the strap and Crocs, so both can be joined.
  • Reattach the strap: Carefully align the broken ends of the strap. So you can attach the corresponding points on the Crocs and press them together. 
  • Secure the strap: Use rubber bands or clamps to hold the strap in place while the adhesive sets. The adhesive manufacturer’s instructions should be followed for drying time. 

Replace the Broken Strap

If the strap is irreparable, you should replace it with a new one. This is what I recommend to you.

  • Remove the broken strap: Detach the broken strap gently from the Crocs by loosening any attachment mechanisms. Carefully detach if there are any pins or clips there. 
  • Clean the attachment area: It should be assured that the attachment area should be clean and free from any remainder of the old strap.
  • Attach the new strap: Carefully insert the new strap into the corresponding attachment points on the Crocs. Manufacturers’ instructions are important to follow. If there is a requirement for additional steps or tools, work accordingly. 
  • Secure the new strap: Check that it is securely fastened and adjusted twice. Moreover, check if it is providing you with the desired fit. 

Allow for Proper Drying Time

In both situations, like replacing a new strap or reattaching the previous one, you should follow the adhesive’s manufacturer’s instructions. Drying completely is necessary for a better quality reattachment. Recommended instruction in both cases can be helpful.

Final thoughts

Saving money is always a priority for a person like me. So knowing how to fix broken Crocs straps and repairing your Crocs instead of replacing them can save you money.

It also extends the life of your favorite footwear whether you choose to replace it entirely or reattach the strap if it is repairable. 

Following the above-explained steps will guide you on how to fix a broken Crocs strap in a better way. Keep in mind, to use a suitable adhesive. Secure the strap in place while it dries. Give it the prescribed drying time for a better repair.

If you successfully repair the Crocs properly, you can continue enjoying the style and comfort of Crocs. And finally, your Crocs will be ready to provide you comfort for an upcoming adventure.


Can you adjust a Crocs strap?

Yes, you can adjust the Crocs strap. The straps on Crocs are flexible and moveable so you can adjust them whenever you need to. In case the straps are broken, you can also replace only the Crocs strap instead of replacing the Crocs pair.

How do you replace Crocs’ strap?

Gently push the old strap through the holes of Crocs so it can come out. Then you have to insert a new strap through holes of the same size and style. Once you insert the new strap, pull it to make it your perfect fit. To adjust the fit, some replacement straps have buckles to secure the strap. If your strap also has this, then secure the strap with the buckle.  

Do Crocs have adjustable straps?

Yes, Crocs has an adjustable strap through which customers can customize their fit for their comfort and style. This feature is also useful when the strap is broken. In this scenario, you don’t need to replace a Crocs pair. Instead, you can only adjust the Crocs strap.

How do you fix Crocs sandal strap?

To fix a Crocs sandal strap, you should follow these steps.

  • Make sure that the strap and sandal surface are clean.
  • Apply a strong adhesive glue.
  • Hold the strap so the adhesive can set properly.

Can you move the strap on Crocs?

Yes, Crocs straps are designed to be flexible so you can easily move them. The straps can be easily moved according to your preferences and style. 

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