Can You Put Crocs With Fur in the Dryer?

As we know, Crocs with fur lining are soft and lightweight. But when the problem arises to maintain and dry them, there are some essentials.

Those guidelines and essentials must be followed to avoid damaging fur or the Crocs themselves. Many people put their fur-lined Crocs in the dryer.

However, the question that arises in this situation is whether can you put Crocs with fur in the dryer or not.

No, you should not put Crocs with fur in the dryer. The high heat can damage the synthetic material of the Crocs and ruin the fur lining. Instead, air-dry them to maintain their shape and texture. Better safe than sorry!

Moreover, it can also shrink the Crocs. I have explained some of the tried and tested methods to dry your fur-lined Crocs in this blog.

Now we will delve into this. If you want to read more, continue reading this.

Can You Put Crocs with Fur in the Dryer?

Typically, it is not recommended to dry your fur-lined Crocs in the dryer. Because the dryer contains heat we should not expose Crocs directly to heat.

Can You Put Crocs with Fur in the Dryer?

The heat can damage the fur and material of Crocs. It melts the foam-like structure of Crocs which is Croslite. Crocs also become discolored due to the heat of the dryer. Moreover, Crocs can also shrink in the dryer.

Putting Fur-lined Crocs in the Dryer Can Cause a Huge Disaster

Here is a detail of the disadvantages of putting Crocs with fur in the dryer.

  • The high heat can melt the Croslite: Crocs are made of a foam-like material called Croslite. The Croslite is not heat-resistant so heat can highly damage the material. For example, it may distort or bubble the material making it impossible to wear.
  • Fur lining can be damaged: The heat in the dryer can melt the fur. Furthermore, it can also break the fibers of the fur and there is an excellent chance that the fur will shed.
  • Shrinking of Crocs: Fur-lined Crocs can also be shrunk when put in the dryer. It results in tightness of Crocs making it difficult to wear. 
  • The fur can catch fire: Mostly, the fur is made of synthetic materials. At high temperatures, the fur can even catch fire in the dryer. 

The best way to dry Crocs with fur

Best Way To Dry Crocs With Fur

Air Dry

Avoid putting your fur-lined Crocs in the dryer. The high temperature and tumbling action of the dryer can damage the fur. One of the best ways to dry your Crocs is to allow them to air dry in a natural environment. 

All you have to do is remove extra moisture by wiping them with a piece of cloth or towel. Then, place them in a well-ventilated area at room temperature and natural environment. Keep them away from direct sunlight or heat sources.

It will ensure the Crocs dry evenly without compromising their quality and shape. You should also avoid using a hairdryer or any other artificial heat sources which can affect the fur. With this care and effort, you can save your Crocs from damage or discomfort. 

There is another method too which can be used as an alternative if you do not want to use the air dry method.

Utilize Absorbent Material

If you want to speed up the drying process, you can use absorbent material. For example drying towels and crumpled newspaper. Stuff your damp Crocs with these materials, so the moisture can be absorbed in them. This applies to fur lining and Crocs. 

Keep in mind that replacing the towels or newspapers periodically is necessary. This method is helpful in drawing out moisture and reduces drying time. So absorbent materials can be helpful to speed up the drying process.

Gently Brush and Fluff the Fur

Once your fur-lined Crocs are dry completely, gently brush the fur with a soft bristle. It will be helpful to store and restore the fluffiness and texture.

This will be helpful to remove any flattened and textured areas caused by the drying process. It also ensures the fur retains its plush appearance.

Tips for Cleaning Crocs with Fur

It is often asked can you put Crocs with fur in the dryer? The answer is that you should keep in mind that Crocs with fur are more difficult to clean than regular Crocs. If you want to clean your furry Crocs, you should be more careful.

So if you want to keep your Crocs with fur looking their best, hand wash them. The air-drying method is briefly explained above. You should follow the prescribed methods to clean your Crocs with fur.

You can clean your Crocs by following these methods: 

  • Bleach can discolor the fur, so never use bleach on your Crocs.
  • Harsh detergents can damage the fur or Crocs, so you should use a mild detergent. 
  • Air drying is recommended for fur-lined Crocs. Do not put your Crocs in the dryer. 
  • Even if by any chance you have to put your Crocs in the dryer, use the lowest level of heat. 
  • You should be careful not to overdry your Crocs. Overdrying can cause the fur to shrink or fall off. 

Use these cleaning techniques, so you can enjoy the comfort and charm of your furry Crocs in the long run.


Maintaining the plushness and softness of your fur-lined Crocs is tricky, so avoid putting them in the dryer. If I could summarize the discussion, I would not recommend putting Crocs in the dryer. Instead, opt for air drying your Crocs in a well-ventilated area. 

By following proper drying techniques and maintenance tips, you can keep your Crocs in excellent condition. You will get comfort and style for a long period. Make sure to scrub this gently and softly. Scrubbing vigorously can damage your fur-lined Crocs.


Can You Put Fuzzy Crocs In The Dryer?

The answer is no. You should never put fuzzy Crocs in the dryer. The heat in the dryer can cause damage to Crocs’ material and fur. It can melt the fur making Crocs impossible to use. 

Can Crocs with fur go in the dryer?

No, the fur-lined Crocs should not go in the dryer. The material of Crocs and fur can be melted and the fur can even catch a fire. The best way to dry fur-lined Crocs is to air dry them.

How do you dry fuzzy Crocs?

If you want a safe method to dry fuzzy Crocs, air dry them. Never put the Crocs in a dryer as excessive heat is dangerous for them. Another method is to use absorbent materials if you want to speed up the process.

How do you dry Crocs with fur?

To dry Crocs with fur, there is a method called air dry. For this, you just have to put your Crocs in a well-ventilated area. Never put your fur-lined Crocs in a dryer as it will damage the fur and Croslite (the material from which Crocs are made).

What is the best way to dry fuzzy Crocs?

The best way to dry fuzzy Crocs is to air dry them. Squeeze water out of Crocs as much as you can. Then, wipe the Crocs with a cloth. In the final step, place the Crocs in a well-ventilated area for some time. But make sure to avoid direct sunlight as it will damage Crocs.

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