Can You Put Crocs in the Dryer?

Crocs are a type of lightweight and casual footwear. They are known for their distinctive designs and comfort. But when it comes to drying Crocs after washing, many people get confused. The reason is they want to dry Crocs quickly. There is only one method to dry your Crocs quickly and that is using a dryer. But the question is can you put Crocs in the dryer in real life?

“Crocs should not be placed in the dryer. The heat can warp and shrink them, affecting their shape and fit. To dry Crocs, it’s best to let them air dry in a cool, shaded area.”

The main issue with this method is that your Crocs can melt in the high temperature of the dryer. So I wouldn’t recommend that you put Crocs in the dryer. I prefer to dry my Crocs in some other ways which are explained and I advise you to do the same. You can air dry your Crocs, towel dry, or dry them in sunlight. For a deeper understanding, continue reading this.

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Is it safe to put Crocs in the dryer?

No, generally it is not recommended to do so. There are some points which need to be considered. We will discuss them one by one.

Is It Safe To Put Crocs In The Dryer?

Sensitivity of material: As we all know, Crocs are made of a material called crosslight. This material is not heat resistant. So when the Crocs are put in the dryer there is a chance that Croslight will be damaged.

Shrinkage: When you put Crocs in the dryer, Crocs can shrink because of the heat in the dryer. It can make them uncomfortable to wear or even so small that they don’t fit properly.

Separation of soles: Crocs are generally made using an adhesive that bonds the sole with the upper part of the Croc. With the heat generated by the dryer, the adhesive bond weakens and causes the separation of the sole from the Croc. As a result, Crocs become uncomfortable to wear.

Melting of material: Crocs are made up of a material that cannot bear high temperatures. Its melting point is very low. So, there is a chance of melting the material of Crocs in the dryer.

Warranty concerns: If your Crocs are still under warranty, then putting your Crocs in the dryer is risky as it damages the whole material.

What are some alternatives to dry Crocs in the dryer?

Here are some alternative methods to dry Crocs in the dryer. 

Air drying: The first and most used alternative is to air-dry your Crocs. Once you have washed your Crocs, pat them with a towel to remove extra moisture.  Then leave them in a well-ventilated area to dry. Do not expose them to heat as it may damage the Crocs.

Towel or newspaper drying: The second method is to stuff your Crocs with a towel or newspaper so the extra moisture can be absorbed. Change the towel or newspaper periodically for better results.

Use a fan: If you want to speed up the drying process, you can also use a fan. Using a fan improves air circulation and the drying speed of Crocs automatically increases.

Silica gel packets: These packets are found in electronic appliances and many types of shoeboxes. They help to absorb extra moisture from the electronics and shoes. You can also use these to dry your Crocs. 

Final thoughts

The answer to this question: Can you put Crocs in the dryer is that it is not safe to put your Crocs in the dryer. Because there is a risk of losing the Croc shape and damaging the material. Putting in the dryer can also release harmful chemicals from Crocs etc. Crocs are lightweight and durable footwear. But if we subject them to high heat, their durability would not last long. 

That’s why we should go for alternative methods to dry Crocs. The most used method is air drying the Crocs. In this method, we let the Crocs dry naturally. Other methods to use are towel drying, using a fan, silica Gel packets, or using a rice container. By using these steps, you can prevent your Crocs from damage.


Are you allowed to put Crocs in the dryer?

You should not put your Crocs in the dryer as it can warp, damage, or even melt the material of Crocs. Furthermore, it can also release harmful chemicals from the Crocs. You can use alternative methods to dry your Crocs. i.e. Air dry.

How do you dry Crocs after washing?

After washing them, use a towel to pat them to absorb extra moisture. Then find a well-ventilated place in your home. Put your Crocs in that area for some hours and let them dry naturally. Make sure to not expose them to direct heat as it damages the Crocs. This is the most used method of drying Crocs. Other methods are towel drying, using a fan, and the silica gel packets method, etc. 

How do you keep Crocs dry?

In order to keep your Crocs dry, avoid wearing them in wet conditions as much as possible. When you wash them and they get wet, then remove any excess moisture using a towel or newspaper. Then place them to air dry. When they are dried completely, store them in a proper place away from heat or moisture. 

How should I dry my Crocs?

There are several methods to dry Crocs. You can try any method you want. These methods are air drying, towel drying, using a fan, silica gel packets, and using a rice container. But the most used method is to air dry Crocs. In this method, you dry your Crocs in natural air without any man-made source.

What Happens If You Put Crocs in the Dryer?

If you put your Crocs in the dryer, the heat in the dryer can cause severe damage to the Crocs. It can also release harmful chemicals from Crocs. Moreover, the adhesive that bonds the sole to the upper part of Crocs can also be damaged. In these conditions, the Crocs are extremely uncomfortable and sometimes they are not even wearable.

How Do You Dry Out Crocs?

There are many methods to dry Crocs. But the most popular one is to Air dry them. In this method, you pat your Crocs with a towel or a newspaper. Then find a well-ventilated place in your home. The Crocs have been in that place for some time. Make sure that your Crocs are not in indirect sunlight or heat. Because these things damage your Crocs badly.

What are the risks of drying Crocs in the dryer?

The first one is that your Crocs can lose their shape. The material can even melt in the dryer. Excessive heat from the dryer can cause the release of harmful chemicals from the crops. That is why you should not put your Crocs in the dryer.

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