Hey there, shoe enthusiasts! Welcome to ShoesGorilla.com, your ultimate destination for all things shoe-related. Whether you’re on the hunt for the latest trends, the perfect fit, or tips on shoe care, we’ve got you covered. So, what’s our story, and why should you stick around? Let’s jump in!

Who We Are

We’re a passionate team of high-level professionals who are crazy about shoes. But we’re not just any team; we’ve got a roster chock-full of experts who have degrees in fields like Footwear Design, Orthopedics, and even Podiatric Medicine. Yup, we’re that serious about shoes!

Meet the Team

Mark James – Founder & Chief Editor

The brains behind ShoesGorilla.com, Mark holds a Master’s Degree in Footwear Design from the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). With over a decade of experience in the shoe industry, Mark is our go-to guy for everything from sneaker trends to orthopedic advice. When he’s not reviewing the latest releases, you’ll find him jogging in the park always in a pair of impeccable running shoes, of course.

Our Mission

We’re on a mission to help you step up your shoe game. We provide in-depth reviews, expert advice, and a whole bunch of how-tos and tips. Our goal? To make sure you never have to experience the agony of bad shoe decisions again!

We’re not just here to tell you which shoes look nice; we’re here to revolutionize how you think about footwear. Our mission is twofold:

  1. Informed Choices: We provide detailed, data-backed reviews of various types of shoes to guide you toward the perfect fit—literally and figuratively.
  2. Education: Through comprehensive guides and how-to articles, we educate you on what features to look for, how to care for your footwear, and even how to resolve common foot problems aggravated by poor shoe choices.

The aim? To make sure you’re not just following trends, but also making educated decisions for your foot health and comfort.

Why Trust Us?

We get it; trust needs to be earned. And how do we earn yours? Through transparency and integrity. All our reviews undergo a rigorous evaluation process carried out by our experts. The degrees hanging on our walls aren’t just for show; they represent a commitment to providing you with credible, evidence-based information.

Get in Touch

Your shoe journey is as important to us as it is to you. Feel free to reach out with any questions, feedback, or just to say hi. Here’s how you can contact us.